Crocheted Cross Bookmarks

Hi, all! It’s been a while since my last post but I am here with a quick little something to share. A while ago I was telling my awesome Lymphatic Drainage Guru about my mission trips and I inspired her. She is planning to go on one this year. What a rush! I love inspiring others. Well, as we were talking she said she wanted to bring something she could hand out; something the people could put in their Bibles….A bookmark, of course, so I volunteered to make them….30 of them.


Handmade crochet bookmark by GoofingOff Sewing


Well I looked around for patterns but none suited me so I reworked a bracelet pattern I found.

Her pattern, for a cross-wise bracelet is HERE

I loved the stitches so here is my pattern for a crocheted cross bookmark 4 inches long and 2 inches across:

Steel crochet hook size 2/2.25mm

Crochet Cotton thread size 3 (Aunt Lydia’s or Bernat)

Skill level: Beginner

Ch3, hdc 3rd ch from hook, ch1, 2 hdc ( all in the same space)
Every other one***
*turn, slip stitch until you and in the ch1 space, ch2,1hdc,ch1,2hdc* repeat until you have the length desired (approximately 15 rows).

attach the yarn to the space between the 5 and 6 shells.  *ch2,hdc,ch1, 2hdc, turn sl stitch to ch1 space* repeat 3 times (3 shells).
repeat the step above on the other side of the cross.

Weave in the ends. Starch and let the dry.

That’s it. The cross takes less than 1 hour to crochet and very little cotton thread.

A nice little gift that’s easy to make.

Thank you to Crochet Chiq for her inspirational blog post. Her work is amazing. Please check it out.

Post by Eileen of GoofingOff Sewing



2 Nurses on a Mission: Vaccinations

I always knew I lived in a good place but when I saw the list of recommended vaccinations for my upcoming trip to Haiti it really made me take a minute or two to say a prayer of thanks. Vaccines for typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, tetanus, and malaria prophylaxis are all on my to-do list plus there are others not offered, just known to scare me. I don’t dare tell the hubby. He’s worried enough. I did get my tetanus and flu shots last week. 2 down. Now I am waiting on titers to see if I need the MMR or the Hepatitis B vaccines.

I’ve been collecting blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, and bandages whenever I can. I’ve been given recommendations from others who have gone on missions so I picked up some colored pencils instead of crayons (they don’t melt), little toys for the kids, toothbrushes, and combs. Maybe I will pick up some reading glasses, too. I know how difficult it is when your eyes change with age and you can’t read. Leaves you feeling frustrated and helpless.

We still have a long list of things to collect and bring.

Each day a different challenge.

Here’s to sore arms!